Presque Isle Waterfall Loop Best Upper Peninsula Michigan Hikes

Distance 2.5 Mile Loop Trail, moderate

If you make the trek to Porcupine Mountain Wilderness State Park in the UP, this hike provides a big bang for your buck. On the Western edge of the park you can view a series of three beautiful waterfalls, which include Nawadha, Manido, and Manabezho Falls, along the Presque Isle River. Signage is good so keep following the trail markers. Much of the shaded forest trail takes you along the river which has wooden walkways and stairs.

TIP Be prepared for lots of steps and bug spray!

The 2.5 mile loop trail has a decent amount of stairs and inclines, with some exposed roots. The first waterfall, Manabezho Falls, is the largest of the three and boasts a 25’ ft drop. A wooden bridge across the Presque Isle River to the island is another highlight of the trip. The river bed is mesmerizing, round potholes created by eddies swirling sand and pebbles in a circular motion were such a unique feature.

Looking to camp nearby, here is a Trip Guide and Review for Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park.

Final Thoughts

Interested in more hiking and family activities in the area. Follow along at Discovering Anew on Facebook for more hiking, travel and camping adventures in Michigan and beyond. Don’t forget to save and pin for later. If you’re looking to camp in the area, remember camping reservations can be made 6 months in advance at Michigan DNR Reservations for State Parks, I highly recommend planning ahead for popular state parks. We’ve got tons of camping recommendations below.

Happy Exploring!, pub-9684029820966299, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Marian Fink

Hi, I’m Marian. Writer, wife, and mother of 4 children, discovering anew the simple joys of life while exploring, camping and hiking.

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