Summer Bucket List (+Free Printable Checklist)

Summer Bucket List 

Excited for summertime? Make the most of these sunny days this year with this simple summer bucket list. Plus, we’ve rounded up all our favorite activity ideas for your children to enjoy.

Summertime is quickly approaching! That means it’s time to start making some unforgettable memories together. To kick off summer we created a free printable summer bucket list. We chose outdoor activities that are the epitome of summer time from relaxing in a hammock and savoring ice cream, to building sandcastles at the beach. Use this list to start checking off all the fun summer things you plan to do as a family!

I’d love to be that mom that has everything planned months ahead of time, but truthfully most days I am winging it. Some of the summer lists I’ve seen online seem overwhelming to me. So we created our own simple list to share. This list is not meant to be a burden, hopefully it will help inspire you with simple ideas to make the most of these summer days.

Printables created by Discovering Anew are for personal use only.

summer bucket list free printable

What does your typical summer days look like? We love having a balance of both fun adventures, relaxation, and some structure sprinkled in for mom’s sanity. Having a rhythm during long summer days helps our entire family with a mix of time spent at home and other days exploring out on day trips.

My site is packed with ideas of outdoor activities and nature inspired crafts to help keep your children entertained. Here are a few of our favorites to try this summer. Whether you decide to travel or stay home, there’s something on this list for everyone!


We make reading a huge priority in the summer. We especially love to read together as a family and try to visit the library once a week. Check out our favorite Children’s Books about Outdoor Adventures, to help inspire you. These children’s picture books are ideal for reading in the summer and great to stock in your home library. Our favorite picks have been read again and again and are enjoyed by the whole family while cuddling up and reading together.


Summer days are ideal for craft projects. We especially love to do them outside so there is less mess and cleanup is a breeze. Here are some of the nature inspired art activities that have been a hit with my four children through the years. Check out the full list of activities with pictures here.

Nature Mandalas: Outdoor Activity for Kids

Boredom Busters: Nature Inspired Activities

Nature Inspired Gratitude Activities and Crafts for Kids

Kid Approved Hiking Snack Necklaces


For years we have grown a vegetable garden and we have reaped the benefits of learning how to grow vegetables and enjoying the delicious produce.

Recently we have fostered more time outdoors by creating a cut flower garden. Children love growing plants from tiny seeds. Even as an adult, I adore the excitement and magic of watching the first green shoots breaking through the soil. Involving your children from the very first planted seed to harvesting and arranging flowers in a vase gives them a sense of pride, plus there are tons of other benefits they reap.

Here is a Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Cut Flower Garden, to help you get started. This is definitely one endeavor that has added so much joy and beauty to our yard.


Do you have regular game nights in your family? This is such a fun tradition to start. Playing games together can help you bond, learn patience and work on cognitive skills. Here is a compiled list of Fun Family Games The Whole Family Will Love


Exploring your local parks, berry farms, hiking trails, beaches, museums and zoos our fun adventures to break up the monotony of being at home. We especially love to have one day a week that we meet up with friends to explore nearby cities and attractions. Below are some great activities to try out this summer. If you live in Southwest Michigan, here are Summer Activities to Do Near Kalamazoo, and Fun Indoor Activities for Kids in Southwest Michigan. Follow Discovering Anew’s Facebook Page or Instagram for tons of fun things to do including: Michigan camping, Michigan day trips, and the best kid-friendly hiking trails and parks.

Make Drip Castles at the Beach

Strawberry Activity Ideas

Hiking with Kids: Tips and Packing List for Day Hikes

25 Ways to Make the World a More Beautiful Place

Tips for Blueberry Picking

Ice Balloon Bowling

We hope these summer activities will help you get outside and enjoy nature. It is amazing what creative endeavors we can discover when we spend time exploring and playing outside. Follow and subscribe to Discovering Anew for more activity ideas, camping reviews and Midwest Adventures. Don’t forget to save and pin for later to help kick off your summer bucket list.

Final Thoughts

I’m delighted you stopped by Discovering Anew today! Here is some final encouragement to embrace the beauty of summer days spent with little ones. They can be busy and long, but I know we will look back when they are grown and want one more glorious summer day with our children. So I ask you “When is the last time you’ve climbed a tree, or dove head first in the ocean and let a wave caress and lift your body, or squished barefoot in the mud and splashed in a puddle?”

Read more from Reawakening the Wonder This Summer: Climb A Tree, post to inspire and challenge your momma heart this summer., pub-9684029820966299, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Marian Fink

Hi, I’m Marian. Writer, wife, and mother of 4 children, discovering anew the simple joys of life while exploring, camping and hiking.

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