Love in Words and Actions


We all know it’s coming, Valentine’s Day.

This year here is a twist, a challenge. Take the time to notice the thousands of little ways that love is shown to you.

Recently, I learned about the 90/10 relationship rule. A person generally possesses 90% of positive characteristics we admire, but we’re quick to focus on the 10% lacking and the habits that just plain annoy us. If we’re honest, I’m sure we all could admit we’re guilty of this. This month, let’s instead recognize all the good.

To put this in action, I have been deliberately noting all the ways my husband loves and serves our family. (ACTIONS) Then I’ve taken a picture and sent him a text message of gratitude. (WORDS) I want him to know, I SEE YOU. I see how hard you work, the way you love our children, the way you roll up your sleeves and help with tedious daily chores, and the way you humbly serve others.

This week, take some time and look through your pictures or snap a new one. Men, I’m talking to you. Take her picture while she’s reading to your children, folding laundry, or doing the dishes. Women, notice him shoveling the driveway or falling asleep with your baby on his chest because he’s worked hard all day. Then, make the effort to send a message of appreciation.

Let’s fill 2022 with more love and gratitude. If anyone wants to join me in this challenge use hashtag #loveinwordsandactions

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Marian Fink

Hi, I’m Marian. Writer, wife, and mother of 4 children, discovering anew the simple joys of life while exploring, camping and hiking.



Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park