

Do you ever read something and it jumps off the page? I had to go back and reread this verse.

 If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.


He is faithful, even when I lack faith.

He is faithful, even when doubts assail.

He is faithful, even when I wrestle to trust.


Every morning he faithfully waits for me to come meet with him. Some mornings I stand him up, a no show. Yet my actions don’t dictate his character. My lack of faith does not change his promises. Nothing I do changes his true nature.

His patience and faithfulness urges me to loosen my grip of control, pour out my heart, and join him in a conversation as he sits with me.

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Marian Fink

Hi, I’m Marian. Writer, wife, and mother of 4 children, discovering anew the simple joys of life while exploring, camping and hiking.

Fall Leaf Preservation


Love in Words and Actions