Do What You Dream


The back burner is where I felt my dreams have rested as the important work of mothering, a career and responsibilities took precedence. Lack of time was my biggest complaint, my energy directed towards caring for my children, and rightly so. Yet little did I know that time, especially the early years with young children, was whittling my character and shaping my voice. My children weren’t a barrier; they were a gift from God to curate new dreams. I’m learning that motherhood, a fulfilled dream in itself, can coexist besides other passions and pursuits.
Do What You Dream,
even if it’s hard, even if you fear failure, even if it takes twice as long as expected.

“Dreams are planted in your heart for a reason”, pub-9684029820966299, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Marian Fink

Hi, I’m Marian. Writer, wife, and mother of 4 children, discovering anew the simple joys of life while exploring, camping and hiking.

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